Home > Archives for December 2017
| December 13, 2017 | Credit: ©Shutterstock.com/Monkey Business Images When we asked our community for their best classroom management practices, over 700 ideas rolled in. Credit: ©Shutterstock.com/hanss Sending out bumps—emails with compliments shared among staff—is a simple way to spread positivity and increase teacher efficacy. Credit: ©Shutterstock.com/Rawpixel.com A literacy researcher shares three practices that are proven to be effective for early elementary learners. Credit: ©Shutterstock.com/BlurryMe New research suggests that young children may make gains in math by counting with their fingers. Credit: ©Edutopia Tips on how to reach your teaching goal when your initial plan fails. | | |
| December 6, 2017 | Credit: ©Shutterstock.com/racorn Whether you're a new teacher or a veteran, try these tips for taking care of yourself and staying energized throughout the school year. Credit: ©Shutterstock.com/spass Techniques for meeting the needs of students with diverse abilities and interests. Credit: Low Key Pictures The principal of an alternative school opens up about the challenges and rewards of shepherding at-risk kids to graduation. Credit: Veer Simple, empowering techniques for coping with bullying at work. Credit: ©Hero Images/500px Over more than a decade, the author has developed a 14-point plan for encouraging students to engage deeply with math content. | | |