Showing posts with label Earthquake in 2008. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Earthquake in 2008. Show all posts

64 People Killed in China Flood

on Thursday, July 11, 2013

64 People Killed in China Flood

Floods hit Sichuan province affecting over 508,000 residents. Beijing, At least 52 people were killed by floods in western China are deemed the worst in 50 years in some areas and affecting over half a million residents.

The floods caused a landslide that buried 40 people in one area causes another 12 drowned predicted in other areas and 12 mine workers were buried when their work crumble. It also destroys a large memorial on the destruction caused by the earthquake in 2008.

Not known whether the 40 people who were buried in the city of Dujiangyan was saved, but rescuers had together detector dog was there, said the official told Xinhua. Regular flooding and mudslides hit the mountains of China and fatalities reported to reach hundreds of people every year.

Decreasing forest area

Depleting forest area also cause erosion occurs more easily and cause certain areas increasingly common in China hit by mudslides after heavy rains. In Beichuan county, floods destroyed hundreds of buildings and earthquake memorial five years ago. The quake caused 90,000 people were killed or disappeared. Its main town is quiet and an area of ​​27 square kilometers turned into a museum and memorial tragedy.

Bridge collapses

Floods also cause a bridge collapsed in the nearby district Panjiang cause drifted six vehicles and 12 people missing. Since last Sunday, flooding in Sichuan affected 508,000 people and damaging or destroying 300 homes in addition to forcing 6,100 emergency transfers involving 36,800 people, state media reported.

Three other bridges also collapsed due to flooding in the city Jiangyou and Deyang, In Yunnan, floods affected 28,600 people and 5,280 residential demolition. Authorities to suspend school sessions in the area.
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