Showing posts with label Haglunds.. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Haglunds.. Show all posts

High Heels Shoes Various Causes Disease

on Sunday, July 7, 2013

High Heels Shoes Various Causes Disease

Which woman does not want to look stylish when facing the public. Attractive appearance with beautiful clothes, expensive handbags, make up on face and high heel shoes.

Some women felt, to sheathe high shoes provide more confidence in myself. Not to mention the jobs that require them to meet people.

Some even consider wearing high heels will make them look sexy, but there are also those who say wearing high heel shoes make them more charming and graceful.

Despite numerous assumptions thrown, but there were a few women who do not know the negative effects of wearing high heels for themselves, particularly involving bone.

Between Treatments in Specialist Do

In addition to the high tendency to sprain in the ankle, various problems due to high-heeled shoes as nerve and ligament inflammation, pain at the back of the ankle, calf muscles shorten and chronic back pain.

The findings orthopedic surgeon from Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, Associate Professor Dr. John Marymont, someone wearing 2.5-inch heels to give 50 per cent, while three-inch heels to give 76 percent of the pressure on the feet.

"If women want to also wear high heels, we suggest no more than two centimeters or less. Application of high heels can cause extreme hip bones, spine and knee is bent.

"Application of continuous high heels can also increase the risk of inflammation on the thumb, foot bone damage and bring foot slid into the front of the shoe as a concentrated load on your toes," he said when met at the hospital recently.

According to him, the age of a woman, the size and also the wider feet due to diminishing fat. In addition, the application of high heels also helps blood circulation is not smooth.

"Imagine, working hours only take eight hours or more a day. Leg had to work hard to run without stopping plus live weight of the wearer.

"The pressure of the weight on the foot will cause the third and fourth fingers become narrow causing nerve pain. This in turn will cause the blood can not flow properly because of blockage causing pain, "he said.

In addition, the problems confronting those who love high heels shoes is a bunion (hallux valgus) of the big toe into the second finger towards causing a bump on the outside of the foot on the side of the big toe.

"This will cause discomfort arises especially when wearing shoes that are closed at the front and pointed that some cases require surgery, depending on its severity.

"We understand that many women today are career and image conscious. But keep in mind also the health aspect. If the work is good, but leg pain also no use, "he said.

He added that the selection of the right shoe size is also important to avoid putting pressure on the leg. Besides the legs, serious problems suffered by the wearer of high heels is a rigid spine pain. Application of high heels will cause the hips tilted forward and increase the curvature of the spine.

"This form of men's shoes and women are different. Width at the front of the men and women of smaller and more tapered in the same. Conditions will cause crooked toes (claw hammer) and it will remain.

"The higher the heel of a woman's shoe, the more severe the effects will be suffered. High heels also cause pain due to nerve swelling or thickening on the ball of the foot, called morton's neuroma and expansion on the back of the heel bone (Haglund deformity), "he said.

High heel shoes in the long term will lead to the shortening of the tendons achhilles causing heel pain. In addition, it can also cause pain in the jaw, neck and head, disruption of the menstrual cycle even lead to fertility problems.

Wearing high heels can change the way a person's way of imposing the center of gravity on the ball of the foot and put excessive pressure on the knee by up to 26 percent of a typical case of osteoporosis. He also explained that if a woman wants to wear high heels, should only apply for a couple of hours and for certain occasions.

"Ordinary women who want to look beautiful and elegant all the time. But do not turn to self-destructive. Put your high heels for certain occasions like dinners or corporate. "To work, it is advisable to wear flat shoes foothold. Do not put pressure on your feet because it will be used for long periods, "he said.

Dangers of High Heels Shoes

High heel shoes if worn for too long can cause urinary incontinence, back problems and hip bones. Neuroma of the foot is forced into a tight high heels and pointed in front, it will then pressing the nerves and tissues begin to form around the nerves that cause pain until the surgery may be done to restore it.

Simple ankle sprain.

Difficult balancing weight.

Haglunds defects as well, often experienced high heel shoes women whose bone growth occurs until the back foot leg swollen, red and painful. High heels are designed to push the chest forward and hips back up the spine and hip out of its normal position and causing health problems not only to the feet but the whole body.

Blood circulation.

The pressure on the finger becomes larger to cause crooked toes. More easily injured leg, especially on the ankles.

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