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Feedzilla: Technology News |
Technology News |
Ask.fm, Attorney General reach agreement to keep children safer online (baltmoresun)
8/14/2014 1:01:00 PM
Good News: This Shopping App Finally Makes the Mall Obsolete (Wired - Epicenter)
8/14/2014 8:01:00 AM
How to keep using Facebook chat on your iPhone without installing Facebook Messenger (The Boy Genius Report)
8/14/2014 1:15:00 PM
New to the Archaeologist's Tool Kit: The Drone (New York Times)
8/13/2014 10:58:00 PM
Robin Williams' daughter quits Twitter after abuse (CNN)
8/14/2014 9:55:00 AM
Software on your smartphone can speed up lithium-ion battery charging by up to 6x (Extremetech)
8/14/2014 10:01:00 AM
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Feedzilla: Technology News
Start using Mint today to set a budget, track your goals and do more with your money. From our sponsors |
Feedzilla: Technology News |
Technology News |
Entire South Korean Space Programme Shuts Down As Sole Astronaut Quits (Slashdot)
8/13/2014 6:06:00 PM
From Tom Hanks, an app ode to the typewriter (USA Today)
8/14/2014 2:58:00 AM
Rape GIFs and the pernicious problem of sexist online trolls (The Globe and Mail)
8/13/2014 1:24:00 PM
Samsung comes up with a brilliant new way to troll iPhone fans (The Boy Genius Report)
8/14/2014 7:41:00 AM
Vatican social media guru: Catholics should give Internet 'a soul' (Los Angeles Times)
8/13/2014 7:38:00 PM
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