Do you want a FREE ticket to Day 1 of
Future Festival? If you book your hotel by tomorrow, we'll give you a free ticket to Day 1 (and big discount on the rest of the event, if you want the full experience).
This is a one-time offer we're making to Trend Hunter friends and subscribers because we want to give you an easy way to be part of the event AND we have a hotel room discount for a couple more days.
Fast-paced TED-style presentations about innovation and the future:
1. BETTER & FASTER (Innovation) - Learn to BETTER adapt and get FASTER at finding ideas
2. Exploiting Chaos (Innovation) - Learn to spark opportunity during times of change
3. Top 20 Trends for 2016 - Get an early peak PLUS a free Trend Report
4. The 3 Critical Sub-segments of Millennials
5. Flavor and Preference
6. Entrepreneurial Opportunity in 2016
7. The Evolution of Personalization and Preference
8. Retail Technology and Retail Innovation
9. Digital Marketing in 2016
To lock this in:
Step 1. Book your hotel HERE for Sept 30 - Oct 2 (2 nights @roughly $180US) Also, if you want to come to the whole event, we can get you a discounted ticket ($499 vs. $1499), but you have to book by FRIDAY. :)