Greetings ! Hope everyone is having a great week!
Just a quick update that Future Festival is 2 weeks away and we are psyched. We have a couple hundred VR headsets, 100 drones, and a 110-page book of the future for everyone coming.
Tomorrow we are sending the Trend Safari choices, so if you have anyone else coming, this is the last chance to register and still get first choice for the safaris.
See you all in two weeks!
Jeremy Gutsche Chief Trend Hunter & Keynote Speaker - | Virtual Consumerism Augmented tools expedite the purchasing process for modern shoppers Implications - The application of virtual reality to modern shopping is speeding up the way consumers peruse and purchase products. This speaks to larger forces influencing immediacy in both in-... [More] |
| Transparent Production Brands invite consumers behind the scenes to control the conversation Implications - A means to reconciling modern consumer standards around corporate responsibility and ethical production, many brands are opening up the back-end of their operations to consumers. By... [More] |
| Virtual Attendance Digital means enable the participation of remotely located consumers Implications - A means to increasing accessibility and inclusiveness, virtual reality and live-streaming technology has been illuminated as a tool for engaging consumers around high profile cultural... [More] |
| On-Demand Laundry Innovative apps enable convenient and cost-effective laundering services Implications - A simple solution targeted at the busy modern consumer living in an urban center, appified laundry services that enable pick-up and delivery at the click of a button serve as an... [More] |
| Bike-Driven Business Cycling culture converges with the peer-to-peer economy Implications - Unique business models linked to the peer-to-peer economy have seen a host of services centered around cyclists emerge as of late. This convergence speaks to the convenience of... [More] |