Greetings ! Right now the team is busy putting the finishing touches on our 2018 Trend Report and all of the free reports, content, and innovation frameworks that we'll be giving away at this year's
Future Festival. If you would like to figure out what great ideas are so close within your grasp, come to Future Festival and use the time to step back from your role and think about all of the opportunities that you are close to.
With content from the world's #1 trend spotting platform and 750 of the world's top innovators, it's going to be an unforgettable experience! Best of all, Future Festival is the largest gathering of brands in a vendor-free environment, meaning that there will be tons of conversations to be had with the brightest minds in insight and innovation.
Tickets can be purchased
HERE. But don't wait too long, we're now 96% sold out!
Jeremy Gutsche
CEO, Author & Keynote Speaker -
P.S. Here's my innovation keynote schedule:
| In-Person Customization Consumer co-creation ensures a truly personalized product experience Implications - Combining customization with co-creation, brands are putting user experience directly into the hands of consumers. By letting go of full control, brands are indicating trust in the... [More] |
| Accessible Exoskeletons Exoskeletons are being designed to enhance people's quality of life Exoskeletons are being designed to support individuals with various physical disabilities. While these innovations were once largely inaccessible to most, they are increasingly becoming more... [More] |
| Fitness Fandom Fitness gear caters to pop culture fanatics with themed merchandise Implications - As the health and wellness movement continues to expand on its already considerable breadth of influence, cult pop culture franchises are lending their branding to workout wear and at-... [More] |
| Exoskeletal Workplace Exoskeletons are helping workers across a variety of industries Exoskeletons are being used to protect laborers and simultaneously make them more productive. This emerging technology is being employed by companies seeking to improve the quality of work their... [More] |
| Everyday Uplifting Brands deliver subtle uplifting messages to buoy consumers' self-confidence Implications - Self-confidence and self-care are increasingly important subjects for consumers, especially those within the Millennial and Gen Z demographics. In the past, brands have tackled the... [More] |