New study shows the impact of PBL on student achievement. Plus: making student data part of the conversation
New study shows the impact of PBL on student achievement. Plus: making student data part of the conversation
| July 19, 2017 | Researchers in Michigan show that project-based learning in high-poverty communities can produce statistically significant gains in social studies and informational reading. Humboldt Elementary, a school once on the verge of being labeled under-performing, turned to data to move the bar on student success. After we published a video about a special room designed to help autistic kids calm and focus themselves, you had questions. Here's what it takes to create this kind of space. Credit: Barrett Web Coordinator via flickr (CC BY-NC-SA 2.0) How a short survey can spark important conversations with parents. Credit: ©Shutterstock.com/studiovin You can find ideas on how to gear your teaching to meet the needs of all students even in works that aren't explicitly about differentiation. | | |
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