Why students forget—and what you can do about it. Plus: 3 tips for managing phone use in class
Why students forget—and what you can do about it. Plus: 3 tips for managing phone use in class
| October 11, 2017 | Credit: ©Shutterstock.com/Lightspring Our brains are wired to forget, but there are research-backed strategies you can use to make your teaching stick. Credit ©Shutterstock.com/Syda Productions Setting cell phone expectations early is key to accessing the learning potential of these devices and minimizing the distraction factor. Credit ©twenty20.com/@granaina Strategies for using grading to increase study skills, reflection, and student agency. Credit: ©Chicago 2016 via flickr (CC BY 2.0) The difference between rewards, punishments, and self-persuasion in motivating students—and how to foster the latter. Credit: Courtesy of Katherine James Tips for showing students how to give each other writing feedback, which benefits both the receiver and the giver. | | |
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