Special series: Nashville district goes all-in on SEL

on Tuesday, February 13, 2018

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February 13, 2018

These videos and articles are part of a special series we produced highlighting the district-wide implementation of social and emotional learning in Nashville. The series was developed in collaboration with the National Commission on Social, Emotional, and Academic Development, with support from the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative.

A Look at Metro Nashville Public Schools' SEL iniative

Nashville Confronts SEL Resistance Head-On

A social and emotional learning initiative gains traction, meeting the needs of a changing city.

What SEL implementation across a district looks like

The Big Picture: Integrating SEL Across a District

The 168 schools in the Nashville district collaborate to bolster school culture and instruction with social and emotional learning.

SEL bolsters academic performance.

SEL as a Foundation for Academics

These middle schools were built on the idea that academic risk taking, fostered by social and emotional learning, can be a key to high achievement.

A high school uses SEL to close the achievement gap.

Closing the Achievement Gap With SEL

A Nashville high school focuses on using social and emotional learning to build strong relationships and a positive culture—and to improve academic outcomes.

A look at a trauma-informed school

An Inside Look at Trauma-Informed Practices

A Nashville elementary school takes a comprehensive approach to trauma-informed practices, creating a space where students feel known and supported.

George Lucas Educational Foundation

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FLASH SALE - 2 for 1 tickets to Future Festival - The #1 Innovation Conference

on Monday, February 12, 2018


I wanted to give you advanced notice about our FINAL sale for Future Festival's 15 City Tour & World Summit with Malcolm Gladwell.   Until Valentine's Day, we are offering 2 for 1 tickets!

Here's why 97% rate our events higher than any other innovation series:
1. ALL NEW INSIGHTS - Get up to speed fast with 100+ insights from the #1 trend firm 
2. NEXT STEPS - Our comprehensive curriculum includes actionable next steps, innovation frameworks and New York Times Bestselling Content.
3. COLLISIONS - Interact with Netflix, Ikea, Tesla, Red Bull, Universal, Sony, Starbucks, Google, Walmart, Apple, Samsung, Adidas and 500 top brands (NO VENDORS)
4. INSPIRATION - No other conference puts more effort into the energy, excitement and relentless focus on all-new awe-inspiring examples.  There's a reason our website has 3 BILLION pageviews. ;)

AND, if you join MALCOLM GLADWELL and I at our World Summit, you also get 50+ Trend Safaris, 100+ futuristic technologies and 1,200 inspiring new friends! 

The last 9 cities were sold out, so please act soon to scope it out and make a decision before the sale ends. :) 

See you there!

Jeremy Gutsche
CEO & NY Times Bestseller
Trend Hunter - The World's #1 Largest, Most-Powerful Trend Site
P.S. Watch my last Future Festival Keynote, now at 2,500,000 views!

Trend Hunter, 206 - 26 Soho Street, Toronto, Ontario M5T 1Z7 Canada
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Constant Contact

In Oakland, reinventing school policing. Plus: cultivating a love of reading in the digital age

on Wednesday, February 7, 2018

In Oakland, Reinventing School Policing; Cultivating a Love of Reading in the Digital Age; Bringing Wonder Into Mathematics |

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February 7, 2018
A school police force trained in SEL
Credit: ©Nora Fleming

In Oakland, Reinventing School Policing

A district-wide focus on social and emotional learning has found an unlikely new partner: the police.

Reading isn't limited to books.
Credit: ©Shutterstock.com/Monkey Business Images

Cultivating a Love of Reading in the Digital Age

Four tips for taking advantage of apps and other tools to encourage students to read.

Actions students can take when faced with bullying
Credit: ©Shutterstock.com/mmstudiodesign

Empowering Students to Curb Bullying

Standing up to bullying can be frightening, but students can use these low-risk strategies to support peers who are bullied.

A creative way to inspire confidence in math class
Credit: ©Shutterstock.com/Monkey Business Images

Bringing Wonder Into Mathematics

Creatively combining the Notice Wonder strategy with a numberless word problem helps students see themselves as mathematicians.

PBL can help close achievement gaps.
Credit: ©500px/Hero Images

Ensuring That PBL Is Accessible to All

Planning project-based learning around three core strategies helps all students get what they need.

George Lucas Educational Foundation

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