Special series: Nashville district goes all-in on SEL
Special series: Nashville district goes all-in on SEL
| February 13, 2018 | | These videos and articles are part of a special series we produced highlighting the district-wide implementation of social and emotional learning in Nashville. The series was developed in collaboration with the National Commission on Social, Emotional, and Academic Development, with support from the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative. | A social and emotional learning initiative gains traction, meeting the needs of a changing city. The 168 schools in the Nashville district collaborate to bolster school culture and instruction with social and emotional learning. These middle schools were built on the idea that academic risk taking, fostered by social and emotional learning, can be a key to high achievement. A Nashville high school focuses on using social and emotional learning to build strong relationships and a positive culture—and to improve academic outcomes. A Nashville elementary school takes a comprehensive approach to trauma-informed practices, creating a space where students feel known and supported. | | |
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