Showing posts with label Ramadan. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ramadan. Show all posts

Diabetes is not Hindrance to Fast

on Thursday, July 18, 2013

Diabetes is not Hindrance to Fast 

Muslims are in the second week of Ramadan, the Muslim diabetics are advised to take precautionary measures to monitor their blood sugar levels to avoid hypoglycemia (blood sugar that is too low) during the day and hyperglycemia (blood sugar level is too high) on night.

Therefore, patients with diabetes who want to implement fasting requested in advance seek advice from their doctor.

During fasting, the risk of blood sugar dropped to below normal levels are higher than normal time. If signs of hypoglycemia arise, you should consider stopping fast and take fruit juice or one tablespoon of sugar immediately. Do test your blood sugar levels if they are to stop fasting and also report any discomfort or fatigue experienced your doctor.

"Measurement of blood sugar levels preferably carried out in the early morning before fasting and after Iftar. However, you are advised to stop fasting blood sugar readings dropped below the target level should be in the morning and afternoon.

He added that Muslims with type 2 diabetes who do not require insulin injections are usually able to run without any problem fasting during Ramadan.

Patients who only require a fasting insulin injections usually no big deal but they are advised to see a doctor to find the right type of insulin for them.

While fasting, it is important for patients to recognize the signs of hypo and hipeglisemia, knowing how to handle them, measuring the blood sugar level in a certain way, drinking enough water and eating in moderation.

In addition to the problems mentioned above, there is another equally important matter of knowing about the symptoms of ketoacidosis. Ketoacidosis is a serious life-threatening condition and it occurs when the patient really a lack of insulin and blood sugar levels become too high.

Hypoglycemia refers to the condition when the glucose content in the blood and are reduced below normal levels.

Signs of hypoglycemia include feeling restless and unsteady, weak, extremely hungry, sweating, pallor, palpitations, trembling, pulse too fast and not too serious if unconscious. Knowledge about the signs of health complications is very important to understand the patient to avoid any problems and more severe complications.

Who is at risk? One of the cause hypoglycemia occurs is it has to do with the type of medication taken by patients to control blood glucose levels. Two types of drugs commonly used in hospitals, metformin and sulfonylurea. Metformin works to improve blood glucose levels without stimulating insulin production can minimize or does not pose the risk of hypoglycemia.

Sulfonylurea may cause a significant risk to the onset of hypoglycemia because it stimulates the production of insulin in the body as long.

Preferably before undergoing fasting, especially those at risk of diabetes to the doctor to change the dose of medication and insulin can be done according to their health condition.

Tips to Stay Healthy While Fasting

on Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Tips to Stay Healthy While Fasting

While fasting, the metabolic rate of an individual starts to decline but other body mechanism will work.

Generally, fasting during Ramadan can improve a person's health, but there is also the possibility of it getting worse!

Determinants that contribute to individual health concerns itself not as fast, but due to the type of food taken from time to time breaking dawn.

The problem that often occurs when some of them can be solved fast if know how. Here are some steps you can adopt during the month of Ramadan.

1. Heartburn. When someone is thinking about food, the brain will send signals in the stomach to produce acid that can cause heartburn. Thus, heartburn is one problem that often occurs during the month of Ramadan. So, make sure you choose foods that are slow to digest when dawn.

2. Dehydration. Lack of water in the body will lower your metabolism and cause dehydration. During Ramadan, the problem of dehydration is more common because you have to endure hunger and thirst for more than 10 hours. Because of that, it is important to enjoy adequate water during meal and breaking.

3. Headache. While fasting, frequent headaches occur due to several factors such as hunger, lack of sleep or caffeine and tobacco. Therefore, to reduce the intake of caffeine and tobacco slowly and get enough sleep to reduce headaches when fasting.

4. Constipation. Among the factors a person is experiencing constipation is excessive fast food consumption and water intake and not enough fiber in the diet. To avoid this problem, reduce the consumption of fast food. Instead, add the total intake of fruits and vegetables.

5. Low sugar levels. If feel dizzy, tired, fatigue, chills, experiencing poor concentration or is unable to perform physical activity while fasting, the possibility of the symptoms that you experience low blood sugar levels. So, the intake of sugary foods and drinks during meal and iftar time should be controlled to help prevent blood sugar drop drastically. For that, eat fresh fruit and drink juice without sugar as an energy source when breaking the fast.
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