Pneumococcal Disease Killing Millions of Children

on Sunday, July 7, 2013

Pneumococcal Disease Killing Millions of Children

Globally, pneumococcal disease is the leading cause of illness and death worldwide, which claimed 1.6 million lives each year. Pneumococcal disease is a group of streptococcus pneumonia due to bacteria that cause infections in the blood, meningitis or infection of the membrane lining of the brain and spinal cord, inflammation of the lungs (pneumonia) and otitis media or middle ear infection.

The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that pneumococcal disease claimed the lives of between 700,000 and one million children under five years old every year. Globally, the estimated annual prevalence of pneumococcal disease incidence among the 14.5 million children under five years old. Asia recorded the highest numbers of pneumococcal disease, including the burden of invasive and non-invasive disease in the world,

Recognizing the serious consequences of pneumococcal usually fatal and disability, various initiatives and efforts undertaken in recent years to raise awareness of this disease and to emphasize the importance of prevention among parents worldwide.

Streptococcus pneumonia bacteria cause infection in the blood, meningitis or infection of the membrane lining of the brain. Among the latest campaign is a campaign conducted Protection Yes to infants as a move to ensure that all children get the pneumococcal vaccine so that they can lead a healthy life.

Strategic alliances Asian Pneumococcal Disease Prevention, This is to consolidate specialist healthcare professionals, parents, and concerned individuals around the world in an effort to urge children to make health a priority, especially related to vaccination against pneumococcal disease.

"Education about prevention methods should be communicated to all. Effects of this terrible disease, but can be avoided with effective prevention methods for children who suffer from this disease.

Vaccines and immunization most efficient and economical way to reduce the cost of disease and death, but there are still many less concerned about it, each participating physician will pledge card 'Yes to PnD Protection' to parents who visit their clinic and discuss the importance of pneumococcal vaccine.

Parents are then asked to fill out a pledge card and put it in the box provided at the clinic. The remaining part of the pledge card to be kept as a form of parental vaccination calendar reference for their children. The campaign runs for six months from April to September this year. Upon expiry, pledge cards will be collected for the calculation prior to submission to the Ministry of Health with a request to include pneumococcal vaccination in the National Immunization Program.

The disease affects the emotional, psychological, as well as high costs and those incurred unable middle. Pneumococcal disease treatment cost is expensive, especially when patients have to get old in a hospital supervision. Parents play an important role, especially for their children under the age of five. Some parents are less sensitive to the health of children, especially when cold, as I consider it normal. Fever actually also among the early symptoms of this disease.

In 2011, a total of 1.25 million children die from pneumonia. The World Health Organization (WHO) joined forces with the government and other bodies to make use of existing low cost methods such as increasing the level of hygiene, safe drinking water and access to vaccines against the disease. Although WHO and other advisory bodies always recommend measures to make the vaccination pneu mokokus part of the immunization program of the country and many countries such as Hong Kong, Singapore and Morocco do.

This may be due to lack of awareness and lack of demand and the parent data shows the rate of spread of the disease that allows all parents to get the vaccine for their children. Parents need to be aware of the impact of disease and the need for a vaccine in order to protect children from harm. We hope this campaign will interest parents talk to the doctor and take the necessary steps so that children can live a healthy life.
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